May 11, 2020

Let’s face it, nobody likes to do chores, children and adults alike!

If your child needs motivation for doing their duties, here are 5 ways to inspire success.

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End Distractions

If TV time or playing on electronics is what’s distracting your child, pause their time playing so that they can do their chores. By creating an incentive for them to return to whatever they were doing, it is more likely they will complete them. 

Set A Time Limit With Incentive

Set a deadline with a visible clock (or an alarm) so that your child will understand your expectations and the framework for their completion.

Clearly establish an incentive for your child to complete the task on time, such as movie watching, bike riding, or reading bedtime stories together.

If they don’t finish on time? Stick to your guns and don’t allow the incentive treat. Be firm but gentle. No punishments here, just positive reinforcement.

Don’t Force It

By explaining to your kids why chores are done and how their work contributes to the household, they’re able to internalize responsibility. This then serves as a strong motivator and position reinforcement.

Kids love to feel independent; when they feel that chores are their idea, they become motivated and become ready to tackle tasks without being forced.

Work Together

Many chores require a group effort, and these can be a great opportunity for building “a team”. Folding clothes, for example, will allow you to spend time together while they learn new skills to tackle on their own later.


Just like you have your daily checklist, create one for the little people in your life. Purchase or make a weekly calendar chart, listing the items to be completed that day and a column for stars, stickers, or smiley faces.

Start with daily tasks, such as making up the bed in the morning and picking up toys before supper. Add more duties by age and ability, like setting and clearing the table, folding laundry, or washing the dog.

Begin paying an allowance as reward for chore completion to simultaneously teach the value of money.

Check out all of our previous Daily Survival Guides