Photo credits to Min An on Pexels

Plants! They are an amazing way to liven up a space, as well as purify the air, making us smile, and giving off those good vibes. Indoor plants are extremely useful in making a house feel like a home or making the office space more comfortable and colorful. Even if you feel like it is impossible for you to keep a plant alive, there are so many different types of plants that are super easy to care for. If you are looking for some easier indoor plants for your home or office, here are some options I definitely recommend:

  • Succulents or Aloe – These little guys require such little effort. The trick? Only water once a month! Overwatering is the most common way to kill these plants. Succulents thrive off of sunny places, though, so keep near a window if possible. Aloes are also super helpful when it comes to medicinal uses, as aloe can help minor cuts and burns. 
  • Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata) – These plants can do great in low light conditions, to partial sun, so you can put this plant anywhere you please. Watering is needed once the soil is dry, which is once every 1-2 weeks. (Beware: these plants are toxic to cats and dogs.)
  • Monstera (Monstera delicioso) – These plants can grow to be beautiful beasts if cared for properly. Bright, indirect light is their best friend and you will only need to water it once a week, or whenever the first inch of the soil is dry! (Toxic to both cats and dogs.)
  • ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) – These plants can adapt to many different indoor conditions, making them perfect when you have an extra place for a plant! Luckily, these plants lay dormant during the winter months and need little water during those months. During summer, watering will need to be more frequent, but be careful to make sure the soil has dried out in between waterings. They also prefer bright, indirect sunlight so pop it next to a window. (When digested, these plants are toxic to people and pets.)
  • Golden Pothos / Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aurenum) – These are super beginner-friendly. They are beautiful and can grow at fast rates, and can still look beautiful even if neglected. Place this plant in medium to high indirect light, and water once the first inch of soil is dry, which is typically once a week. (These plants are toxic to cats and dogs.)

There are hundreds of types of plants, but these plants in particular are easier to care for, especially if you do not have a green thumb. While being easy, they remain beautiful and provide that peaceful aura you may be looking for.