Well, I did something out of the norm for me. My husband and I joined the gym. As I am sitting here writing this, we still have yet to go. Not because I am avoiding it, but because Mother Nature is trying to kill me with pollen and whatever else is blooming outside. We used to ride bikes around the lake, or walk while the kids rode scooters, but as I seem to get older, my body just won’t allow me outside fun anymore. If I even spend any time outside, I must immediately shower and rinse my nose out or I will likely be on a deathbed for a day or so. Yes, I see an allergist and immunologist, so I am doing all the things.

So, what is hot girl summer? I honestly don’t know, but my daughter and my niece, who also lives with me, have decided that is what we are going to do. I mean, my daughter is a competitive dancer, so I am not sure what she thinks she needs to work on; my niece is 22 and her metabolism still works. My daughter was teaching us her ab routine, and there is no way I can keep up. Neither one of them has my major sinus issues, so they are outside tanning and watching the UV index, while I just sit inside and work to pay the bills. 

Ugh, to be young and so carefree! Since I am not as young as I used to be, I have to actually work to keep my body in check. Diet alone does not work the older you get. So, while I have yet to make it to the gym, I am determined to start within the week and push myself through the first few weeks and prepare for this hot girl summer the girls are wanting. I mean I want to look the best on the beach or floating in my pool, so I guess cheers to a hot girl summer. I guess we will find out soon if I survive!

Don’t forget your sunscreen and nose sprays!

This article was originally published in April 2024.