Dear Frankie,

Paris invited me to her birthday party. I was so excited to learn it would be at the barn where she keeps her horse. When I got to the park the next day, everyone was talking about what to get Paris for a birthday present. Olivia showed us a horse magazine and said we could look over the ads and order something a rider might like. I almost fainted when I saw the prices. Even a riding cap with a pompom on top was super expensive. So, I asked my mom what she thought I should get for a present. She said a gift that was thoughtful and affordable. Do you think Paris will think I am cheap if I don’t bring a present from the horse magazine?




Dear Addie,

Paris invited you as a friend to celebrate her birthday. She didn’t ask you as a donor to fund her equestrian wardrobe. Remember, it was Olivia’s, not Paris’s, idea to get a gift from the magazine. If you decide to get her a gift related to horses, there are many affordable options. How about a book or a video about a horse, or a coloring book that features horses? Another idea is to make her a beaded bracelet with her horse’s name. For a fun gift, bring an old horseshoe (a symbol for good luck) with a card wishing her a blue ribbon at her next horse show. There is a saying, “It’s the thought that counts.”  I’m with your mom. A gift should be more about the thought that went into selecting just the right gift and less about how much it costs. 



P.S. The more I think about it, the more I like the horseshoe idea, but it’s your gift, not mine.