You’ve considered homeschooling, but who can afford it? 

You’d have to quit your job or cut back your hours (particularly if your little is little), and even if that isn’t true, you’d have to take the cherub(s) out to some activities beyond the confines of your home at some point!

And everything is so expensive these days. Paying for transportation is bad enough without admission prices on top of it! We understand – and we’ve got you covered…

Bet you didn’t know there are benefits to being a homeschooler beyond the flexible schedule and the awkward conversations with strangers! Well, there are! With a little investigation, you can uncover incredible deals to power your educational pursuits.

Teacher Perks 

Libraries are always free, you know that – but did you know as a teacher you’re now eligible for a whole slew of educational perks and freebies? And this is mostly true and only mildly exaggerated! You can make your very own teacher and student IDs on any number of sites. This is a free one that works well. 

Once you have that, you’re ready to print out Barnes & Noble’s educator application and bring it to a store to get your teacher card and claim 20% off of educational purchases going forward! If you ask at other places like Hobby Lobby, Michaels and the seemingly endless list of places found on this super mondo Teacher Discounts Guide, you’ll find that most, if not all, are accommodating and happy to offer you the same benefits traditional teachers receive!

Get Outside!

Beyond discounts for supplies, take advantage of the outdoors as a free learning space! Try out “park school” (learning in the park) as you take advantage of the many shelters and tables no-one else is occupying (because they’re all in school!)

These are just a couple easy ways to dive into homeschooling without breaking your wallet on the way!

Next week we will give you the low-down on lots of weekly free/low-cost activities going on in New Orleans to help get you started. 

By Mary C. Long

October 23, 2017

If you liked this post, check out Mary’s blog “Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.”